Monday, January 23, 2012

Why Engage in Political Thinking?

Why Engage in Political Thinking?

The general argument made by Glenn Tinder in his work, Why Engage in Political Thinking? is that we need to create thoughts and continually think. More specifically, Tinder argues that our society is against thinking, and there are two “forces” (page 15) that influence us: action and our curiosity for cold hard facts. He writes, “… Thinking… is often remarked that [it] is hard work… products of thought is intangible and often fragile… A thinking person is exceedingly vulnerable.”  (Page 15) In this passage, Tinder is suggesting that our thoughts can be changed in an instant because of the influences of others. In conclusion, it is Tinder’s belief that our society needs  to start thinking and produce ideas like the great minds of Aristotle and Socrates did long ago.

                 In my view, Tinder is right because thoughts can be changed ever so quickly because of what another person might say. We need to start thinking more often in our day-to-day lives. We Americans want facts nowadays. We want to know everything that’s going on behind closed doors. However in order to know these facts, we must think to ask such questions. For example, our Founding Fathers thought about creating a constitution for our free country, and thanks to their countless thoughts, they were able to create a constitution that protects the citizens of the United States. That’s how we have our answers—through the process of thinking and producing thoughts. Although Tinder might object to my example, I maintain that thoughts are what provide the answers to our curiosity. Therefore, I believe that thinking is beneficial and can get us to our final destination of demanded facts and answers. 

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