Monday, January 23, 2012

♥ All About Me ♥

Top from left: Becca, Reagan, and me
Bottom: Sami

The Happenin' Homecoming Bunch 2012
Me, Parker, Sami
Lizzie McGuire will forever be my favorite TV show!

Turquoise Beauty: 1956 Ford Thunderbird :)
This is not a want...It's a necessity!

I ♥ road trips! I don't care where we're going, just 'shut up and drive'!

Turquoise is so pretty! I love turquoise everything!

Tangled is the BEST movie I have seen!... Besides Emperor's New Groove, Harry Potter, and The Help...

The Beatles said it all: All you need is love!

Cinderella is my favorite Disney princess!

Dolphins are adorable! They seem so happy all the time!

Audrey Hepburn is gorgeous! I wish I could meet her!

I love to play the piano and sing

I love shopping! It's one of my past times, and it should be passed off as a sport! Do you know how long I walk the malls for?

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