Wednesday, March 14, 2012


     During the weeks 5-8, we have been discussing nature. At first when we started this unit, I was disinterested, and I was sure that I was going to fall asleep of boredom. However, that was not the case. I have never been so concerned for the earth before. I used to just totally ignore recycling, not think about all the energy I'm wasting with a simple light switch, and so on. I am proud to say that I am more conscientious about how I use energy and where it's going. See, I've always known about how to "go green" because it always seemed like politicians and teachers were shoving down our throats in school. Now I see the importance of recycling, trying to save the air, the animals (which I've cared most about in this unit), etc. I just hope that I will continue to pay attention of how I am distributing my energy, gas, and if I am throwing away paper in the recycling bin or not.
      Actually, I am competing in a competition right now called Recycle and Redesign. It's for the FCCLA club at school, and I will be going to state next week.What recycle and redesign means is that I am taking an everyday item and creating a whole new and innovative way of that original product. The things I have made to present to the judge are all made out of old t-shirts that no one wants to wear anymore. I have woven a rug with an assortment of t-shirts, I have made scarves with t-shirts, and a purse from an old tank-top. I hope the judges like it! Here are some examples of what I made (and these aren't my pictures):

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