Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Art of Love

The Art of Love

                In The Art of Love, Ovid first talks about how love is a battlefield. He says, “Love, like war, is a toss-up…So if you’ve got love written off as an easy option, you’d better think twice. Love calls for guts and initiative” (page 295). I like how he says “love calls for guts and initiative” (page 295) because it made me think of teenage love. You definitely have to get the “guts” to talk to your crush, and if you want to become more than friends, you’ve got to take the “initiative” to ask him or her out on a date. In another part of the article, Ovid says “If you want a cure for slackness, fall in love” (page 295)! Ovid is merely stating a fact. I know that once I have a crush on a guy, I always make sure that once I have a crush,  I always make sure that I look my absolute best, and that I take a certain route to a class because I want to see that super cute guy every day! (Gosh, I would be the perfect stalker…) In another section, Ovid is very descriptive of a young woman towards the end. In fact, he’s mentioning details that are way beyond T.M.I. However, he’s just proving that only lust is in the picture. I don’t think that there was any attachment in that candid moment. Also, Ovid’s proving that guys are very visual. Therefore, both of these articles demonstrated how different men and women think, even though they do both participate in “lust, romantic attraction, and attachment” (page 334).

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