Thursday, May 24, 2012

Shocking Story

Shocking Story
William Bradford Huie’s article, The Shocking Story of Approved Killing in Mississippi was indeed shocking to read. I have read this story of Bobo Till in a book called The Mississippi Trial. Still I am appalled at what the two white men did to that 14 year old boy. It’s horrible that the men took what Bobo did to extremes and murdered him. I find it absolutely heartbreaking that things like this happened back then—and still happen today.
“I’m tired of ‘em sending your kind down here to stir up trouble… I’m going to make an example of you—just so everybody can know how me and my folks stand” (page 606).  This quote I feel has so much emotion hooked on to it. The first obvious one is hatred and racism since one of the white men said this, but from Bobo’s point of view, just to hear “your kind” has so many different things feelings to it. It sounds like people are alienating them from the human race and calling them animals. “Your kind” could even be the sticky and messy gum from the bottom of a shoe. So many negative thoughts and feelings can be brought up by that phrase.
I wish people’s feelings could change towards ethnicity. I have just always thought it was interesting that people don’t like one another based on races because we all share the world with each other. Everyone is going to encounter meeting with someone from a different ethnicity at least once in their lifetime. I know that many people aren’t going to change, and there’s really nothing we can do about that. Sure you can influence them by being an example, but it really takes the person’s efforts to have a change of heart.

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