Friday, May 25, 2012

The Final Reflection :(

The Final Reflection :(
Humanities was a great class that I chose to take this year. It helped me develop the way I thought. My mom even noticed how much my thoughts and opinions have grown and matured. It's amazing how a whole new world can open up for you just by the way you view life in general. I love how educated I am now in the world, and it's fun to stay up-to-date with what's going on around the globe. I'm glad I developed many new skills that will help me evolve as I grow up and help me be more educated as I take my journey through life. 
I also am glad that this class allowed me to voice my opinions. I used to never speak up in class because I feared that I would say something stupid and embarrass myself, but i quickly learned that I did have important things to contribute to class discussions. I'm also grateful that it was an inviting place to develop opinions and then put them down on paper. For me, all I need is paper and a pen and I can easily get out my feelings. I guess you could say I am a word girl. 
Overall, I'm happy to say that I have enjoyed this class, and I will miss it a lot! Thanks for a great semester Ms. Spackman!

Media Portrayals of Men and Masculinity

Media Portrayals of Men and Masculinity
The Joker: Joey from the TV show Friends.
The Jock: Puck from the TV show Glee.
The Strong Silent Type: Kaleb from the book and TV series Pretty Little Liars.
The Big Shot: Filippo from the TV show, Jerseylicious.
The Action Hero: Heathcliff from the book, Wuthering Heights.
Phil from Modern Family
The Buffoon: Phil from the TV Show, Modern Family.
Joey from Friends