Friday, May 25, 2012


I love Maya Angelou. She always knows what to say and how to say it the right way. I enjoyed reading Graduation, and it's amazing to read about how it was for her to have to deal with those times when the color of someone's skin conflicted with society. I felt that the best quote from this article was, "We were on top again. As always, again. We survived. The depths have been icy and dark, but now a bright sun spoke to our souls. I was no longer simply a member of the proud graduating class of 1940; I was a proud member of the wonderful, beautiful Negro race." For some reason, I felt like this could be a universal feeling for people (aside from "proud graduating class of 1940" and "member of the Negro race" since not everyone can relate to those last statements).
I believe that Angelou's quote is universal because we all have had that feeling of being "On top again. As always again." I know that we all have had our ups and downs, yet "we survive". However my favorite part of this entire quote is "The depths have been icy and dark, but now a bright sun spoke to our souls." The way she described this emotion was absolutely beautiful. Honestly, now that I think about how I feel when ever I have a sense of relief from someone, that is how I feel and I think other people might agree with me. It's like the angels are singing the Hallelujah Chorus as the grand finale for the denouement of what chaotic stress just happened. Overall, I enjoyed this article. It had a great point of view with lovely descriptions.

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