Wednesday, March 14, 2012


During week 2, one concept really sparked my thinking. It was about how people are closed minded. One example of having a closed mind was 9/11. Truly this was a horrific time for America. However, now people are labeling Middle Easterns as "terrorists" who carry bombs because of Twin Towers. My argument is that this makes me very upset that we have this new mentality of different cultures. It's not right, and we should treat everybody equally. It's not all the people from the Middle Eastern culture that are terrible people. It's the small group of Al Qaeda that has tainted many names and cultures.
In week three, we discussed how many people think that understanding the universal concept is hard all around the world. People assume that maybe a third world country might not understand the meaning, or perhaps someone from Britain thinks that Americans can't understand the language of Shakespeare. At first, I did think that maybe people can't understand the general idea worldwide, however that is simply not true. After I gave more thought to this, I came to the conclusion that everyone can indeed understand the big picture of literature. However in order for someone to understand the meaning, we should try to tailor the story to their culture and customs because these could possibly be barriers for people to understand concepts better.
Overall, many articles have really made me think more about people in general. It helps me to reevaluate myself to see where I stand on my opinions, and I'm glad to be able to make my own opinions about human nature as a whole.

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