Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wildlife in American Culture

Wildlife in American Culture
                The general argument made by Aldo Leopold in his work, Wildlife in American Culture is that the world is growing vastly with technology and other things that hurt the earth. More specifically, Leopold argues that “we fancy that industry supports us, forgetting what supports industry” (page 372). In this quote, Leopold is suggesting that we are definitely forgetting what helps us fuel the machines that create all this technology for our own benefit. In conclusion, it is Leopold’s belief that this world isn’t treating out earth well. We should preserve and care for it as much as possible since it’s where we live.
                How I see this argument made by Leopold is that he is correct. He’s right because he mentions that we are enveloped with so many gadgets that they’re coming out our ears! In fact he says, “We shall achieve conservation when…the destructive use of land becomes unethical—punishable by social ostracism” (page 372). I believe this quote is important because Leopold is basically saying that we’ll stop using out SUVs, heaters, boats, etc. as long as it’s not the “cool” thing to do. I used these as examples because they are popular in the world. Many people are driving big and fancy cars hat produce too much carbon dioxide and monoxide in our air, as boats do. Why we do these things in society is because we don’t want to be left out of the social group because no one likes to be an outcast. I believe that we could save the planet easily (well, easier) if we all weren’t so wrapped up in the things that seem like their things we “got to have”, and this goes for me too. Therefore, I conclude that if we all want to save our planet, we need to make changes by not worrying what the world thinks you should have, but by using the resources we need that suit our own personalized life style, which normally doesn’t include the humungous SUVs, Hummers, etc.

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